First Post

Hello, and welcome to Gendered. I can't say how often I'll update this blog, but I needed a place where I could document the memories and concepts that occur to me whenever I see how the basic male/female gender conundrum has harmed me.

Let me state this blog is NOT out to slam normative gendered people. That is not what this is about. This blog is to help me get my ideas down and to be a voice for those who don't understand yet why they can't 'fit in'.

I am a non-normative, multi-gendered individual. While yes, there is a set of pronouns I feel partial to, no, I do not expect you to remember them. Pronouns are supposed to be a fill all, aren't they? Though, if you wish to know, I prefer: Xe, Xys, Xem, Xemself. Though I can handle 'they' as well. Though if you refer to me as  he or she, I'll just shrug. After all, those are part of who I am, just not ALL of who I am.

I am agender, male gender, and female gender. There may be more, but those are the ones I have been able to identify. And no, that does not mean I have a multiple personality. My gender identity is so fluid, I couldn't explain to you which gender I was in at that moment... though looking back I can do so in the memories I've been able to parse. So I guess I also go under the guise of Genderfluid. But let's not confuse all the normatives too much, right?

I've spent decades not fitting in and now that I get why, some of those stronger memories are coming back with extreme clarity with a whole new view. They make more sense - I GET why things were wonky then.

As for sexuality, that becomes confusing to the extreme so I am not going to touch on it in this post. I'll let my cartoon describe the situation later.

I'm resurrecting a cartoon character I created way back in the early '90s called Quoible. Let's see the gender conundrum through his eyes.